Writing A Slogan For Your Physical Therapy Business

In general, a great slogan will define the philosophy, concepts or operations of a business. Think about how “Just do it” defines Nike’s philosophy on playing sports, or Avis’s “We try harder” defines customer services operations. When trying to craft a marketing slogan for your physical therapy practice, start with the message you want to convey to the public before tackling the creative side.

Once you know what you want to convey, aim for short, sweet and catchy. These are the hallmarks of successful slogans and taglines that are an integral part of any branding package, and this is also true for a physical therapy marketing slogan. In fact, the American Physical Therapy Association has implemented a new branding campaign that incorporates the slogan “Move Forward: Physical Therapy Brings Motion to Life.” This is a unifying call to all physical therapists to re-focus their branding campaigns as a community. The goal of the slogan is to change the public mindset that the benefits of physical therapy are limited to rehabilitation. The slogan directs consumers to connect physical therapy with motion and life, which broadens its potential for preventative uses: life improvement via physical motion.

Here are some key branding messages from APTA’s “Brand New Campaign” that will guide you in thinking about your own marketing slogan:

* Physical Therapy can improve mobility and quality of life without surgery or prescription drugs.

* Many PTs have the most specialized education to help restore motion.

* Many PTs are doctors of physical therapy and all of them are trusted health care professionals with extensive education in diagnosing and treating conditions that limit the body’s ability to move and function in daily life.

* PTs can teach patients and clients how to prevent or manage a condition, and thus achieve long-term health benefits.

* Consumers in most states can make an appointment with a PT directly, without physician referral.

Once you have decided on a message that best represents your service, identity or philosophy, write several marketing slogans that you think might reflect your message. Catchy slogans are sometimes created with one or more of the following:

* Rhyme and repetition: “Flick my Bic”

* Double-meaning: “Reach out and touch someone”

* Visual connection to logo or business: “Fill it to the rim with Brim”

* Cause and effect relationship: “Calgon, take me away”

The most important elements of a slogan or tag line are simplicity, and connectivity: it should be universally understood regardless of a person’s age, gender, background and education. Here are some examples of marketing slogans that reflect a specific message about each practice:

“Journey, Success, Relax, Looking Forward”

“Restoring Your Good Health”

“Going beyond your symptoms…”

“Be treated like a pro!”

“The treatment you need, the care you deserve”

“No pills, no surgery, just results”

“Quality Hands On Care”

“Maximum HEALTH”

“The art and science of wellness”

An unforgettable physical therapy marketing slogan will ultimately reflect the context of your practice while capturing an audience in a creative, simplistic way. Without a contextual connection to the product, slogans are meaningless. So, once you have crafted a slogan that’s a home run for your practice, make sure to put it out there on all your physical therapy marketing materials to create your brand and grow your practice.

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