Job Clubs Plus Networking Equals Job Search Success

By now you probably know the best way to find a job is networking. Expanding your number of contacts is a major strategy in the job search. The more connections you have the better your chances to landing a job. Getting connections should be as simple as having a conversation with different people that interest you. People you would like to know more about their career. Maybe, someone that works in an industry that sparks your curiosity.

Social media is a great example of networking; it’s a platform job seekers can use to share industry information with hiring managers, recruiters and current employees. Job seekers should be consistent and post their thoughts or comments on what others in the industry have shared. Using social media is a great marketing tool. Job seekers can share their knowledge and making connections which is a proven way to broaden your network, expand your knowledge and get recognition. Furthermore, it makes the job search easier and increases your chances to learn about hidden jobs (unadvertised jobs).

If you want to find a job faster join a job club. A Job Club aims to grow awareness and help job seekers understand how applying simple techniques can significantly improve participant’s skills. According to various news sources, working with others in a job club has a 70% success rate. The commonality with other job seekers expands your network and provides support especially, through great success stories. Searching for jobs on your own is discouraging; challenging feels very isolated and doesn’t always give you results you want. Job clubs makes the job search process easier, faster, encouraging, and forward thinking.

Don’t go at the job search process alone, it doesn’t help you in the long run. Working in a job club gives you a since of trust, determination and belief in yourself and your club members. Believe me I know, I’ve been there and it’s such a great feeling to know you have accountability partners and support while job hunting. Join a job club, experience the companionship and most of all job search success.

To learn more about how to find a job faster please visit my website

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