Getting Hot Girls to Want You Made Easy

So your spending another Friday night on your couch with your fingers wrapped around the PS3 control instead of the shoulders of an attractive woman. It’s time to leave this dead end journey behind and make a change in your “game” and in your life. It’s time to become the man you know you can be. Let me tell you how to go about this.

I spent some of the best years of my life as a shy, nice guy, always having girls as friends, but having very few girlfriends. I started studying the guys who got the hot girls and came to a simple conclusion. Nice guys really do finish last.

By nice guys, I’m talking about the guys who spend spend all their time trying to please others, and ignore their own needs. The opposite of a nice guy, what the women are interested in, is not some evil, cocky, loud mouth. It’s simply the man with the most confidence, the man who knows what he wants and has no doubts that he will get it, the “alpha male.”

More than anything in the world, women want a man who can protect them and make them feel safe. The alpha male exudes this quality and the women can literally smell it. This confidence and self-assurance is more important than looks or than money. The man who is comfortable in any situation, no matter how intense, and who believes in himself and his ability to do anything, is the man to whom women flock.

The bottom line is that if you are ready to change your circumstances, you must first change your attitude and believe in yourself. This takes effort and practice and cannot be faked, but when you have it, you have it forever and t he world is yours. Start to believe in yourself and the world will follow suit. Be the alpha!

You can get a hot girl tonight…

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