Guide To Generating Free Targeted Web Traffic

It took me way too much time to figure out Googles ranking system. I was wondering why is my site never listed on Google, Yahoo, or MSN? How many reading this have asked themselves the same question? I am sure you have. There is so much garbage out there stating they know the “Secret” to search engine optimization.

How many seo programs have you already bought?

The first seo program I used focused mainly on keyword density. It insisted that I add keywords in various places, anchor links, picture links, etc… Have you heard this before? I am not trying to tell you that keyword density is not that important to Google, but I am definitely letting you know that it is not THAT important anymore. What I mean is that if you are looking to increase web traffic, keyword density is not the answer.

Generating free web site traffic is not as hard as you might think. There is no special “secret weapon” out there that will put you at the top, so if you hear there is, you are being misled. I said there is no “secret weapon”, but there are still secrets that you need to follow.

For those of you who are absolutely newbies, I will inform you of some secrets I found out the hard way. Search engines rank pages based on various things. One key thing is how many sites are linking back to you. There are two types of links search engines look at, reciprocal links and one-way links.

Reciprocal links are links that are exchanged between two or more sites. For example, you build a great website and you are trying to advertise it…what do you do next? Did you say link exchange? If so, you are correct. There are many hints to exchanging links and ways to make it very easy which I will explain at a later time.

One-way links is the other form of link exchanges. Search engines typically rate one-way links greater than reciprocal. Their logic is if you have something that someone else wants, then it must be something they should know about too. This is one way to get a higher page rank. Are you following me so far?

Everyone knows about submitting to web directories. If you do not, then I am enlightening you…back on track with the web directories. Directories are a very easy yet effective way to get one-way links. The catch with directories is it takes a lot of time and money to submit to them all. Most people give up and do not submit to directories. This is a very ignorant thing to do. You want to generate traffic, so submit to directories, later I can show you how to do it really quick and easy!

One key thing I have not mentioned is relevance. It is an absolute must that your website be very relevant to the subject on hand. This means, do not advertise your site as a Music Studio in order to generate traffic and it actually be about food. How much sense would that make? Make sure whatever you say you have on your site, you actually have. This is called content and it is also very important. It would be too much work to go into much detail about being relevant, but this should be common sense.

Now is the perfect time to talk about keywords. Not keyword density, just keywords in general. I have visited so many sites and viewed their source to find little or no keywords. It is amazing why they are not found high in the search engines, or even found at all. Instead, people find them thru self submitted directories where I find them by pure luck. How good of advertising method is that? Not very! What I am offering you here is the key to unlock your advertising potential and the web traffic you bring in will be absolutely free for you. By the way, it will be targeted? Do you know what that means? Targeted web traffic means visitors are searching specifically for what you sell therefore you will be making a lot more money on conversions. It is truly wonderful!

Keywords tend to be overlooked by a lot of webmasters. They would rather spend more time getting their site listed than actually research their niche and find what will bring the heavy web traffic. This is an awful mistake that I will teach you how to fix. I can teach you how to be a big fish in a large pond. That’s right; you will be an internet marketing guru and will never have to spend another dime on Adwords or any other form of internet advertising. It is truly greatness!

I have not given everything away as it is really impossible to do so in such a short article, but I hope you got a few pointers. Remember I told you I would tell you later on about how to get really awesome link exchanges quickly and easily as well as link directories? Well, that is something you can find out below. Will you be on the front page of Google tomorrow?

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