Hiring A Professional Bartending Service


Professional Bartending Service

We can provide more Professional Bartenders for catered events, hotels, clubs, restaurants, parties, weddings, receptions, and any type of service in Sanfrancisco Bay Area than any other service in the region. And we provide them on an ongoing basis all the time.

The Professional Bartender Service is in its 15 Year serving the bartender needs of this region. As one of the longest running, largest bartending services in the region with the most resources we have more bartenders available to work more events than any other source. Get a feel for the huge scope and resources that can help you staff any hotel, bar, club…or any size event virtually anywhere in the greater Bay Area.

    For about the last 15 years we have annually filled 750 bartender jobs  a year. Lots of them are available for your establishments or events
    As of late 2011 we are currently in touch with between 500-1,000 bartender/graduates who can be made aware of your parties and events
    Need a bartender in one days time? We have accommodated that very tough need. There probably isn’t another service in the region that has the resources and contacts to handle those needs
    Over the years during the holidays we have gotten requests for over 100 bartenders per weekend. We have satisfied those needs.


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